Tuesday 15 December 2009

Réduisons nos déchets !

Voici en quelques vidéos, tournées en classe, nos idées !
Cliquez sur les mots en gras...

Voici les sites officiels, en français, en anglais ; tous ensemble, protégeons l'environnement.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

La fête du 3 décembre

"Le jeudi 3 décembre, Stig et Angus sont allés chez moi, Paul. Angus a mangé un gros repas et maintenant, il a mal au ventre! Quant à Stig, il a regardé à l'intérieur de notre poubelle à recycler.
Au revoir."

Monday 7 December 2009

Scottish Week - in Scotland

On Monday we heard about famous Scots and did some Scottish country Dancing.
On Tuesday we played carpet bowls and heard about the charity, Poppy Scotland.
On Wednesday we had our Highland Games, with Highland Dancing, tug of war, an obstacle race and a welly boot throwing competition.
On Thursday we had a visit from a man from Kelburn Castle Country Park who showed us 3 owls - a Canadian Eagle Owl, a Little Owl and of course a Barn Owl like Plop, who is the Owl who was afraid of the dark!
On Friday we sampled Scottish food - haggis, neeps and tatties and Cranachan.

Fraser has lots of cars!

Fraser has lots of toy cars and Will played with them. They went to cubs together and found out about Gothenburg.

Eryn is baking

Will helped Eryn with the baking when he went to visit her.


Here is Will with Max.

Will has been visiting our homes

Morgan has her Kilmarnock football strip on!

Our New Pupils

Will and Mélina arrived in school and we have taken them to different places in school.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Our Scottish Week 2009

On Monday, we danced Circassian Circle,
On Tuesday, we cooked shortbreads, and Stig and Angus arrived !
On Wednesday, we always stayed at home, in French schools,
On Thursday, we played a Highland game, "tossing the caber"! and ate our shortbreads, yum, yum ;
On Friday, we worked with teacher Laetitia,
On Saturday and Sunday, we did our homeworks. ;)
It was very interesting.

Les lutins du CP-CE1 H

Décembre a bien commencé ! Le compte à rebours pour Noël est entamé... Les élèves travaillent beaucoup, ils chantent, ils dansent, ils s'amusent ; suivez les liens et vous les trouverez.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Des bouteilles recyclées ?

Génial d'utiliser des bouteilles pour un pull en polaire!!!
Paul et Victor

mardi 1er décembre

Angus et Stig sont allés rendre visite à Salim .
"je les ai pris en photo à l'ordinateur, devant la place Stanislas. Regardez le beau sapin !" Salim

Thursday 19 November 2009

La météo du jour.

On a vu le temps qu'il faisait chez vous avec la webcam. Il pleuvait. Chez nous, il y avait du brouillard.Loïc, Lucas, Salim, Jade, Margot

Wednesday 11 November 2009


Thursday 5 November 2009

Le blog

Nous avons vu le blog pour la première fois : nous l'avons trouvé très bien. Les Voki étaient très jolis et rigolos ! On a vu des photos de votre école : elles nous ont plu !On a lu un livre d'Halloween et on a fait des ribambelles ; c'était difficile !!

Tuesday 3 November 2009

We were making Vokis today!

Friday 23 October 2009

Talking one to one and singing !

Here are four French pupils'drawings of our second meeting "La visioconférence". CE1 (Yr 3) could speak to their own partner, and tell their phone number. The Scottish pupil wrote it on a board, and show what he/she understood on the screen ; it was successfull ! We could sing together "Alouette, gentille alouette" and "Head and shoulders", and they really enjoyed again. We are on holidays, now, see you soon !

Thursday 22 October 2009


Get a Voki now!

We are having a Hallowe'en Party on Friday 30th October. We'll take photographs and see if you can tell who is who!

Saturday 17 October 2009

Our first meeting !

We could have our first videoconference on Flashmeeting, on october 8th, to introduce ourselves, in English and in French, both.

It was a really good meeting !

Saturday 12 September 2009

C'est la Rentrée 2009 !

Tous les élèves de France sont rentrés à l'école le Jeudi 3 septembre, voici la classe des CP-CE1H !

Thursday 10 September 2009

Our First Blog!

This blog has been created to allow the pupils of Annanhill and Boudonville to share their learning. We will be introducing ourselves with photos and 'Identity Cards' showing our interests and hobbies.